Client Background

Client: A leading tech firm in India

Industry Type:  Entertainment

Services: B2C

Organization Size: 100+

Project Objective

To change the lipsing of the original video with the new replaced audio.

Project Description

We needed to create an output video that will have the new lipsing according to the new replaced audio. Also we will have to change the actual audio with the new audio with automated editing.

Our Solution

We have created two different files which will perform 2 different operations 1st will replace the original audio with new and extract only video from original. 2nd will take the muted video and replaced audio and we will get the output of the new replaced audio lipsync. This is done by pre-defined model Wav2Lip on github.

Project Deliverables

2  google colab notebooks

Tools used


Google drive

Language/techniques used

Python 3.6



Models used


Skills used

Python programming

Data science

Databases used

Provided by the company (Hrithik Roshan video files)

Project Snapshots

Screenshot (181).png
Screenshot (182).png
Screenshot (183).png
Screenshot (184).png
Screenshot (185).png

Project website url