Table of Contents

  1. Application Architecture
  2. Installation
  3. Running the Project
  4. File Descriptions

Application Architecture

Below is the overview of the architecture for an AI audio-to-audio chatbot application leveraging OpenAI Whisper and ElevenLabs’ text-to-speech (TTS) API:

Copy of Solution Diagram
  • Physical Input (Voice Recording):
    • The user provides a spoken input through a microphone.
    • PyAudio library is used to record the audio input, saving it as a .wav file.
  • Transcribe:
    • The recorded .wav file is fed into OpenAI Whisper for speech-to-text transcription.
  • GPT-3.5 Turbo:
    • The transcribed text is passed to GPT-3.5 Turbo, a large language model fine-tuned for various tasks.
    • GPT-3.5 Turbo generates a response text based on the input.
  • Display Response:
    • The generated response text is displayed for the user to read.
  • Speech Synthesis:
    • The response text is sent to ElevenLabs TTS API for text-to-speech synthesis.
    • The API synthesizes the text into an audio file, which can be in .wav or .mp3 format.
  • Play the Response Audio:
    • The synthesized audio file is played back for the user to hear.


Follow these steps to install and set up the project:

  1. Clone the repository:git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:cd AI-Bot-to-Audio
  3. Create a Python virtual environment:python -m venv venv
    • If you’re using Python 3.x and the python command doesn’t work, try python3 instead.
  4. Activate the virtual environment:
    • On Windows:venv\Scripts\activate
    • On macOS and Linux:source venv/bin/activate
  5. Install dependencies:pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Project

Follow these steps to run the project:

  1. Create a .env file:
    • Copy the content from the .env.example file and create a new .env file in the project directory. Populate the .env file with the necessary API keys and configuration variables.
  2. Run the frontend:python
  3. Run the backend application:python
  4. Start the conversation:
    • Once both the frontend and backend are running, you can start speaking into the microphone. The conversation will be displayed on the frontend interface.
  5. Clear conversation and start afresh:
    • If you want to clear the conversation and start a new one, simply click the “New Conversation” button on the frontend interface.
  6. Enjoy your conversation!
    • You’re all set to interact with the project. Have fun chatting!

File Descriptions

Here’s a brief description of the files in the project:

    • This file contains functions to record audio input from the user through a microphone.
    • Contains functions for the main backend operations of the application.
    • Includes functions for transcribing audio to text using OpenAI Whisper base model (speech to text).
    • Also contains functions for generating response text from OpenAI GPT model.
    • Utilizes ElevenLabs API for text-to-speech synthesis and playback of the audio response.
    • Code for the taipy frontend of the application is implemented in this file.
    • It handles the user interface and interaction with the backend components.

Source codes: