Client Background

Client: A leading retail firm in the USA

Industry Type:  Retail

Services: e-commerce, retail business

Organization Size: 100+

Project Objective

To create an advanced chatbot using Microsoft Azure cognitive service to take orders from customer on behalf of a pizza restaurant and give order summary as end result to the user. 

Project Description

The project uses MS Azure LUIS service for language understanding to receive order details from a customer and provide an order summary. Also display various menu options to the customer in a dynamic method.

Our Solution

Our solution is to create a chatbot on MS Azure platform using their LUIS service in bot-framework composer environment. Use dynamic hero cards to display menu so that user can get a better experience.

Project Deliverables

  1. Chatbot

Tools used

  1. Bot Framework composer
  2. Bot emulator
  3. MS Azure LUIS services

Language/techniques used

  1. Bot framework composer 
  2. Natural language processing

Models used

  1. MS Azure LUIS
  2. MS Azure QnA
  3. MS Azure speed SDK

Skills used

  1. Deep learning
  2. Web development
  3. Cloud tech

Web Cloud Servers used

Microsoft Azure web platform

What are the technical Challenges Faced during Project Execution

  1. Monthly quota for LUIS authoring service was reached
  2. Tracking multiple items ordered by user
  3. Accessing relevant images for each menu item

How the Technical Challenges were Solved

  1. Switching to a more suitable pricing tier which would have to eventually switch to when move onto production phase
  2. Creating custom functions and intents for different trackers
  3. Using open license images from internet

Project Snapshots 

Project website url Demo