Client Background
Client: A leading Marketing firm in the USA
Industry Type: Marketing
Services: Marketing consulting
Organization Size: 100+
Project Objective
Prepare a daily report for data from Local Service Ads dashboard and email to client.
Project Description
- Extracts data from the LSA dashboard for the last 24 hours.
- The data is sent to the client email in the form of a daily report using SendGrid.
- The script runs every morning and is deployed to Heroku by the name “lead-details-to-email”.
- The data is collected only for the companies that are not marked in red in the “Missed Messages Notification Automation – Master File” sheet.
- The following data is uploaded:
- Number of Leads
- Cost Per Lead
- Lead Type
- Dispute amount to be approved
- Dispute amount approved
- Cost per Call
Our Solution
- Use LSA API to extract data.
- Clean the data to make it readable and dispose the data not needed.
- Get the email id of each company from the given Sheet
- Send an email to the client using SendGrid
- Deploy to Heroku
Project Deliverables
A working deployed automated tool that runs everyday in the morning hours and sends a report to the client. Tool is monitored everyday.
Tools used
Sheets API
Language/techniques used
Skills used
Data extraction, cleaning, and summarising
Databases used
Data is not stored and is sent directly to the client
Web Cloud Servers used
What are the technical Challenges Faced during Project Execution
Ensuring a company’s data does not go to another company
How the Technical Challenges were Solved
Testing on multiple dummy email ids