Objective: Deploy a machine learning pipeline in Kubeflow to automate the workflow 

Step 1: Prerequisites

  • Kubernetes: A container orchestration platform.
  • Kubeflow: A platform built on Kubernetes for building and deploying scalable ML workflows.
  • Goal: Automating machine learning workflows and deployment using Kubeflow Pipelines.

Step 2: Environment Setup

  1. Set up Kubernetes Cluster:

We can install minikube and start it by running below command

   minikube start

  1. Install Kubeflow:

For Minikube, follow the kubeflow.org documentation to install Kubeflow.

Verify Kubeflow Installation:

After installation, access the Kubeflow Dashboard via its URL or port-forward it to your local machine:

 kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow svc/ml-pipeline-ui 8080:80

Step3: Prepare Your ML Code

             Containerize Your Code

Step4: Create the Kubeflow Pipeline

Ex:  # pipeline.py

from kfp import dsl


    name=’Iris Classification Pipeline’,

    description=’A simple ML pipeline for classifying iris species.’


def iris_pipeline():

    # Step 1: Data Preprocessing

    preprocess_op = dsl.ContainerOp(

        name=’Preprocess Data’,


        command=[‘python’, ‘preprocess.py’],


    # Step 2: Model Training

    train_op = dsl.ContainerOp(

        name=’Train Model’,


        command=[‘python’, ‘train.py’],


    # Step 3: Model Evaluation

    eval_op = dsl.ContainerOp(

        name=’Evaluate Model’,


        command=[‘python’, ‘evaluate.py’],


if __name__ == ‘__main__’:

    from kfp.compiler import Compiler

    Compiler().compile(iris_pipeline, ‘iris_pipeline.yaml’)

Step4: Compile the Pipeline

   Run the pipeline.py file to generate the pipeline YAML

      Python pipeline.py

   This will generate a file called iris_pipeline.yaml.

Step 5: Deploy to Kubeflow

  1. Access Kubeflow UI: Open the Kubeflow UI in your browser (usually at http://<your-kubeflow-ip>:8080).
  2. Open the Kubeflow UI.
  1. Upload Pipeline from UI

ï‚·  Go to the “Pipelines” section.

ï‚·  Click on “Upload Pipeline” and upload the iris_pipeline.yaml file.

  1.  Run the Pipeline
  • After uploading, you should see your pipeline listed. Click on it to run.

Once create run it shows like this