What is Broadcasting?

Broadcasting is the distribution of audio or video content to a dispersed audience via any electronic mass communications medium, but typically one using the electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves), in a one-to-many model. Broadcasting began with AM radio, which came into popular use around 1920 with the spread of vacuum tube radio transmitters and receivers. Before this, all forms of electronic communication (early radio, telephone, and telegraph) were one-to-one, with the message intended for a single recipient. The term broadcasting evolved from its use as the agricultural method of sowing seeds in a field by casting them broadly about. It was later adopted for describing the widespread distribution of information by printed materials or by telegraph. Examples applying it to “one-to-many” radio transmissions of an individual station to multiple listeners appeared as early as 1898.

Current scenario of the Broadcasting Industry

You have the traditional linear broadcasting most commonly found on conventional living-room sets, now supplemented by branded mobile applications and browser-based channels. All of this viewing activity generates data, which tells us what people are watching and how they’re going about it. In isolation, a lot of this information will be pretty useless, but bring it all together and new doors begin to open.

In the past, content owners would pump content out without really knowing what happened to it afterward; any insight thereon was lacking in real accuracy. Now we have access to so much information, however, we can shun the extrapolated surveys and analyze to our hearts’ content. The result is an opportunity for broadcasters to dramatically improve the way they develop and distribute content.

Along with this, the rise of social networks is also adding to the complexity of how content is being curated and shared. According to a report by report in Fortune, “about 85% of Twitter users who are active on Twitter during prime-time say that they tweet about TV content they are watching”. This report also shows that in the U.S alone there were close to a billion T.V related Tweets, 90% of which came from a mobile device. As every social media user becomes a content curator, distribution platforms are looking to deepen their social integration to increase their reach, deliver the next big hit and hold the interest to the audience long enough to generate profits. Media and broadcasting companies today need real-time operational intelligence with deeper insights into their consumer behaviors and sales and profit trends. The good news is that despite the growing business complexity, today there is enough data that can be easily mined to gain information and improve the odds of the programming bets and serve the audience better.

This needs taking a systematic approach towards analytics to

  • Get a 360-degree view of the customer and assess how distribution windows impact ad-value and content
  • Gain real-time visibility into the ad inventory,
  • Understand customer preferences to offer targeted ads
  • Increase information transparency

So, why do we need analytics?


  • How to create compelling content that will be consumed better than the competitors’
  • How will your tomorrow program will be better than it was today?
  • What are the most engaging topics your presenters have to speak about
  • How to speak about them: what content, what order
  • What do you have to share on Social and when
  • What are currently the best elements of your programme
  • and 200 more attributes

Broadcast Media Analytics and Entertainment Prescriptive Analytics engine have the answers.


  • Which songs to play or offered in your Music Scheduler during scheduling
  • Which songs are not performing – and why?
  • Unsuccessful constellations – where songs are not performing at best?
  • Unearth emerging listening habits
  • What about the new songs performance? New insertion prediction(s) and best placing algorithm
  • Competitor analyses: what they are doing and how to hold them
  • Music Burn: eliminate drawbacks – rotate the songs with the best impact
  • + 140 other possibilities


  • Where to place ad breaks – optimize both listenership and advert impact
  • Optimized order of messages
  • Which ad mutation to place
  • Native advertising parameters – placement, content, form
  • etc 🙂

How analytics can help?

Maximize your expertise impact: vital alternatives are backed up with real-time figures, no more guessing while the final decision is yours


  • Based on data and statistical magic
  • Predictive: tells you the future (listenership figures, audience preferences, new song reception, ad efficiency, content penetration, …)
  • Prescriptive: how to act optimal to reach your goal (where to place the ad & which one, when to play a song & date to bury, how to increase your listenership, fields to compete with the other guys, which story to choose during PM drive, …)
  • All derived from big data, even real time and customized to your needs


  • Radio Analytics: integrated with your production system: MusicMaster, RCS Selector, PowerGold
  • Content Analytics: proactively serve your audience at best – or at least better than anyone else: branding efficiency, trending topics, packaging, time to publicize, remarketing


About Us

Blackcoffer is an India and European Union (Malta) based enterprise software and analytics consulting firm. We are data-driven, technology and decision science firm focused exclusively on big data & analytics, data-driven dashboards, applications development, information management and consulting of any kind, from any source, at massive. We provide intelligence, accelerated innovation and technology implementation with extraordinary breadth and depth of global insights into the big data, data-driven dashboards, applications development and information management for organizations by combining unique, specialized services and high-level human expertise.

Contact Us

Name: Ajay Bidyarthy

Email: ajay@blackcoffer.com

Phone: +91 9717367468

Website: www.blackcoffer.com

Address: Plot No. 3, OM Vihar Phase 1, Uttam Nagar West, Delhi 110059