Client Background
Client: A leading tech firm in Europe
Industry Type: IT
Services: Software Services
Organization Size: 30+
Project Objective
For the current project, we hope to develop a real-time dashboard (* it updates every several minutes). Currently, we have multiple Ubuntu machines that are sending messages every minute to Apache Pulsar.
Project Description
Developing a realtime updating dashboard to display the metadata of various machines on a server from pandio queue.
The dahboard must display the count of “inactive” , “active” and “down” servers with a table displaying the details of all the machines in different color scheme for each type of server/machine.
Our Solution
- We used Django framework to develop the dashboard as it didn’t require the ec2 instance to be active on machine which was the problem with using streamlit.
- For communication between webpage and fetched data we used django channel .
- We used django background task module to make the fetching run forever in background.
Project Deliverables
- Real time updating Dashboard with separate color scheme for different types of machines.
- Storing the historical data in sqlite3 db.
Tools used
- Django
- Web Channels
- D3 js
- Reddis server
Skills used
- Python
- Django Framework
- Django web channels
Databases used
- Django sqlite3 database.
Web Cloud Servers used
What are the technical Challenges Faced during Project Execution
- Making the dashboard run forever using streamlit
- Data updation in realtime when using django channels
How the Technical Challenges were Solved
- Switched the entire dashboard to django framework
- We redirected data to channels on local reddis server.