Client Background
Client: A Leading Tech Firm in the USA
Industry Type: IT
Services: Consulting, Marketing, Healthtech
Organization Size: 500+
Project Objective
Convert API documentation into SDK library and widget. Expected deliverables are SDK library and widgets for
- Web apps
- iOS apps
- Android Apps
Project Description
API documentation is available for a tool that allows customers to type in their medication and find the cheapest price near them. For partners who want to have it on their own site, currently using the API documentation but would like to ultimately be able to send them an embeddable widget that incorporates the tool on their site
Our Solution
We created a flutter widget that uses SDK libraries that allows the customer to type their medication and find the cheapest price near them.
This widget can be embedded in their web, android and IOS applications
Project Deliverables
1)SDK Library/Widget
2)Sample flutter application
Tools used
Language/techniques used
Skills used
1)Knowledge of dart language
2)flutter app developing
What are the technical Challenges Faced during Project Execution
1 )Problems while fetching details of drugs and pharmacies
2) Showing details of drugs and pharmacies in the widget
How the Technical Challenges were Solved
All technical challenges are solved by proper communication with the client and by logical analyzing of data
Project Snapshots
Project Video