Client Background
Client: A leading retail firm in the USA
Industry Type: Retail
Services: e-commerce, retail business
Organization Size: 100+
Project Objective
To create an advanced chatbot using Microsoft Azure cognitive service to take orders from customer on behalf of a pizza restaurant and give order summary as end result to the user.
Project Description
The project uses MS Azure LUIS service for language understanding to receive order details from a customer and provide an order summary. Also display various menu options to the customer in a dynamic method.
Our Solution
Our solution is to create a chatbot on MS Azure platform using their LUIS service in bot-framework composer environment. Use dynamic hero cards to display menu so that user can get a better experience.
Project Deliverables
- Chatbot
Tools used
- Bot Framework composer
- Bot emulator
- MS Azure LUIS services
Language/techniques used
- Bot framework composer
- Natural language processing
Models used
- MS Azure LUIS
- MS Azure QnA
- MS Azure speed SDK
Skills used
- Deep learning
- Web development
- Cloud tech
Web Cloud Servers used
Microsoft Azure web platform
What are the technical Challenges Faced during Project Execution
- Monthly quota for LUIS authoring service was reached
- Tracking multiple items ordered by user
- Accessing relevant images for each menu item
How the Technical Challenges were Solved
- Switching to a more suitable pricing tier which would have to eventually switch to when move onto production phase
- Creating custom functions and intents for different trackers
- Using open license images from internet