Here’s a comprehensive list of programming languages, categorized based on their primary use cases:

General-Purpose Programming Languages

  1. C
  2. C++
  3. Java
  4. Python
  5. JavaScript
  6. C#
  7. Go
  8. Rust
  9. Swift
  10. Kotlin
  11. Dart
  12. TypeScript
  13. PHP
  14. Ruby
  15. Objective-C
  16. Perl
  17. Lua

Functional Programming Languages

  1. Haskell
  2. Lisp
  3. Scheme
  4. Clojure
  5. F#
  6. Elixir
  7. Erlang
  8. OCaml
  9. Racket

Scripting Languages

  1. Bash
  2. PowerShell
  3. Groovy
  4. Tcl
  5. AWK
  6. Lua (also used for scripting)

Web Development Languages

  1. HTML (markup language, but essential)
  2. CSS (styling language)
  3. JavaScript
  4. TypeScript
  5. PHP
  6. Ruby
  7. ASP.NET (C# based)

Database Query Languages

  1. SQL
  2. PL/SQL (Oracle)
  3. T-SQL (Microsoft SQL Server)
  4. GraphQL
  5. XQuery

Scientific and Data Analysis Languages

  1. R
  3. Julia
  4. Wolfram Language (Mathematica)
  5. SAS

Embedded and Systems Programming Languages

  1. C
  2. C++
  3. Rust
  4. Assembly (various architectures)
  5. VHDL
  6. Verilog

Game Development Languages

  1. C++
  2. C# (Unity)
  3. Lua (game scripting)
  4. Python (Pygame)
  5. GDScript (Godot Engine)

Mobile Development Languages

  1. Swift (iOS)
  2. Kotlin (Android)
  3. Java (Android)
  4. Dart (Flutter)

Low-Level and Hardware-Oriented Languages

  1. Assembly (x86, ARM, RISC-V, etc.)
  2. VHDL
  3. Verilog
  4. Forth

Concurrency and Parallel Computing Languages

  1. Erlang
  2. Elixir
  3. Chapel
  4. X10

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Languages

  1. Python (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn)
  2. R
  3. Lisp (historically used in AI)
  4. Prolog

Blockchain and Smart Contract Languages

  1. Solidity (Ethereum)
  2. Rust (Polkadot, Solana)
  3. Vyper (Ethereum)
  4. Michelson (Tezos)

Esoteric and Experimental Languages

  1. Brainfuck
  2. Befunge
  3. Piet
  4. Malbolge
  5. Whitespace

Quantum Computing Languages

  1. Q# (Microsoft)
  2. Qiskit (IBM, Python-based)
  3. Quipper
  4. Cirq (Google, Python-based)

Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs)

  1. SQL (Databases)
  2. R (Statistics)
  3. LaTeX (Document preparation)
  4. Makefile (Build automation)
  5. Regex (Pattern matching)
  6. Puppet (Configuration management)
  7. HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language)

This is not an exhaustive list, but it covers most commonly used and niche programming languages across various domains. Let me know if you need a more specific categorization or historical perspective! 🚀

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