Client Background
Client: A leading tech firm in the USA
Industry Type: IT & Consulting
Products & Services: IT Solutions, Software Development
Organization Size: 100+
The Problem
AWS Lambda, a powerful serverless compute service, faces limitations in terms of runtime customization, dependency management, and execution environment isolation.
Our Solution
To overcome the challenges mentioned above, we propose a comprehensive solution that involves Dockerizing AWS Lambda functions for improved flexibility, control, and efficiency within a serverless architecture.
Solution Architecture
Below is a high-level architecture diagram:
Key Components:
- AWS Lambda Function: Contains the original Lambda function code and dependencies.
- Dockerfile: Describes the steps to build the Docker image, including installing dependencies, copying Lambda function code, and setting the handler function.
- Docker Image: The containerized version of the Lambda function, including its code and dependencies.
- Amazon ECR Repository: Stores the Docker image. The image is tagged with the repository URI.
- Updated Lambda Function: Refers to the Docker image in the ECR repository. The Lambda function configuration is updated to use this reference.
Some of the key deliverables:
A Dockerfile in the root of your Lambda function project, specifying the instructions to build the Docker image. This file includes the base image, installation of dependencies, copying of Lambda function code, and setting the handler function.
Docker Image:
The Docker image built from the Dockerfile. This image encapsulates your Lambda function code and its dependencies.
Pushed Image to ECR:
The Docker image pushed to your Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository. This involves tagging the image with the ECR repository URI and pushing it to the repository.
Updated Lambda Function Configuration:
The Lambda function configuration was updated to use the Docker image from ECR. This may involve specifying the ECR URI in the Lambda configuration.
Documentation outlining the steps to Dockerize the Lambda function and push it to ECR. This documentation should include prerequisites, step-by-step instructions, and any additional considerations.
Tech Stack
- Tools used
- Docker
- Amazon ECR
- Amazon Lambda.
- AWS Management Console.
- Language/techniques used
- NodeJS
- Docker commands
- Skills used
- AWS services (Lambda, ECR, etc.).
- Docker
- Web Cloud Servers used
- Amazon Web Services
What are the technical Challenges Faced during Project Execution
- Dependency Management:
Challenge: AWS Lambda imposes constraints on runtime dependencies, making it challenging to manage and control library versions.
- Execution Environment Isolation:
Challenge: AWS Lambda’s managed environment may lack certain runtime configurations and isolation.
- Monitoring and Logging Integration:
Challenge: Efficiently capturing and analyzing performance metrics and logs from Dockerized Lambda functions.
How the Technical Challenges were solved
- Dependency Management:
Solution: Use a containerization approach to package dependencies along with the Lambda function, providing better control and isolation. Implement a robust dependency management system within the Docker container.
- Execution Environment Isolation:
Solution: Docker containers offer enhanced isolation. Utilize containers to encapsulate the Lambda function and its dependencies, ensuring consistent execution environments.
- Monitoring and Logging Integration:
Solution: Integrate AWS CloudWatch for basic monitoring.
Project Snapshots
Create ECR Repository:
- Create directory and initialize npm:
View Docker commands:
- Login to ECR and Build Docker image:
- Create Lambda Function:
- Testing Lambda Function:
Project Video
Dockerizing a Lambda Function:
This project was done by the Blackcoffer Team, a Global IT Consulting firm.
Contact Details
This solution was designed and developed by Blackcoffer Team
Here are my contact details:
Firm Name: Blackcoffer Pvt. Ltd.
Firm Website:
Firm Address: 4/2, E-Extension, Shaym Vihar Phase 1, New Delhi 110043
Skype: asbidyarthy
WhatsApp: +91 9717367468
Telegram: @asbidyarthy