Coding Standards
- understandable
- adhere code guidelines
- indentation
- no magic numbers
- naming
- units, bounds
- spacing: horizontal (btwn operators, keywords) and vertical (btwn methods, blocks)
- no needless comments
- no obsolete comments
- no redundant comments
- methods document parameters it modifies, functional dependencies
- comments consistent in format, length, level of detail
- no code commented out
- array indexes within bounds
- conditions correct in ifs, loops
- loops always terminate
- division by zero
- refactor statements in the loop to outside the loop
Error Handling
- error messages understandable and complete
- edge cases (null, 0, negative)
- parameters valid
- files, other input data valid
Code Decisions
- code at the right level of abstraction
- methods have the appropriate number, types of parameters
- no unnecessary features
- redundancy minimized
- mutability minimized
- static preferred over nonstatic
- appropriate accessibility (public, private, etc.)
- enums, not int constants
- defensive copies when needed
- no unnecessary new objects
- variables in lowest scope
- objects referred to by their interfaces, most generic supertype